Andreea – School of Love and Light Love is our Religion! Tue, 05 Jan 2021 00:34:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Andreea – School of Love and Light 32 32 10 Steps To Trigger An Out Of Body Experience Sun, 03 Jan 2021 12:50:00 +0000 Short disclaimer: this post was written in January 2016, since than a lot has happened, however it is still a good intro to lucid dreaming for beginners.
Last summer I borrowed a book from Bogdan, which I believe was not meant for me to finish it reading, because I soon lost it without finishing it. Today I came across an article about this author, so I will probably buy the book again. It’s about Robert Monroe, the author of Travels Outside the Body, an absolutely normal guy, who at some point begins to have out of body experiences. He monitors them and makes a short guide on how you can reach such states. At the beginning he could have such experiences only in sleep or slightly before, normally with exercise you can get to experience them at any time. This is also the ultimate goal.
Now let me tell you about the book. The study of astral projections, near-death experiences, and those out of body experiences are considered part of metaphysics. However, there are not many studies, you will only believe when you experience them. Robert Monroe was among the first to write about such an experience, an experience he had accidentally lived.
“In 1958, for no apparent reason, I began to float out of my body. It was involuntary, but I had complete control over what was happening, which made things difficult. I assumed it was a hallucination caused by something dangerous – a tumor, a mental illness or imminent death. It usually happened before I fell asleep – not always, but many times a week. I used to fly a few feet above my physical body. Terrified, I struggled to return to my physical body. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop. “
I liked his book because it does not comment on experiences, but simply narrates them in an objective way. Thanks to his research work over the years, through which he tried to control his experiences, in 1974 he founded the Monroe Institute, which helped thousands of people with the same feelings to be convinced that they did not suffer from mental disorders.
According to Monroe, in order to trigger an out-of-body experience, the following steps should be followed:
  1. You need a room where no one will bother you, sit on the bed and relax.
  2. Remove accessories and make sure you are dressed comfortably.
  3. Begin relaxation, you can breathe with your mouth open and tell yourself that you will remember everything that will happen.
  4. Then focus on an object. If other images come to mind, just look at them and let them pass.
  5. Empty your mind, remove secondary thoughts and close the eyes, but keeps an image in mind.
  6. Relax and then focus on the darkness in front of your closed eyes, maybe you will see a bright background.
  7. When the bright background disappears, you have entered a state of deep relaxation and you will lose control over your body.
  8. You are awake and soon the only stimulus will be thoughts. This is where the out-of-body experiences begin.
  9. To get out of the body, imagine how you become lighter and more beautiful and how beautiful it would be if you floated.
  10. Practice and experience will not be long in coming.
There are many techniques, you can read in the articles on our blog. In order to figure out what suits you best, you have to try everything. But not once, but (very) many times. The astral state differs every time. Sometimes you can feel without a certain shape, although most of the time the condition will seem similar to the physical one, you will be able to see everything around you.
You can observe your relaxed physical form and then explore the astral realm. In this form you can do anything, you can have supernatural powers and it is very difficult for the human mind to describe what things look like there.
A common observation of many that experienced it, is that the sounds are much louder, as are the colors. Following the studies, Monroe noticed that the nerves that control the information regarding body weight, size, position stop working when sounds appear. Sounds tend to be mystical and ecstatic, but they can also take on forms we actually hear (whistle, whistling wind, rippling water). In any case, such sensations lead to the annihilation of the ego and the perception of the sensation in its fullness.
Such experiences can occur spontaneously, consciously, or due to external events such as an accident or physical trauma. The ego does not disappear, which indicates the preservation of consciousness even after death. Thanks to studies by Monroe, there is now more information about this phenomenon. It’s a good book to read, I recommend it at the beginning of the year.
You can book a guided astral projection with Bogdan on our website. 
Photo source: Haari Tesla 
10 Tips & Tricks for Astral Projection Sat, 02 Jan 2021 12:19:43 +0000

Today I’m going to write about a few things to keep in mind if what you wrote the other day seemed interesting to you and you want to experience the astral projections. Don’t expect things to happen overnight, remember that 99% practice makes as much as 1% of theory. However, there are some hooks that you can hang on to to make the transition faster.

Astral projections are not as rare as is thought, between 5-10% of the world’s population experiences them. Like anything else, it is learned through practice, the methods being endless, some work easier or faster and depending on the person’s resonance.

So before moving on to the methods, read the articles about astral projections and its benefits and then consider the following:

1. Keep a dream diary. 

This is extremely important because you will begin to program the subconscious to remember what you dream of and thus become conscious. When you wake up you stay in bed in the same position and try to remember. Recall a few times and then go on paper, on the phone or register. Even if you wake up in the middle of the night, write everything down.

2. Make sure you are in reality. 

During a day, ask yourself at least 10 times if you dream or not, if what you are experiencing now is reality or not. Does your reflection in the mirror look normal? Does your palms look normal? You can make a sign on your hand that you can look at all the time, and during the dream you will see that it is no longer there. When you notice this, you will realize that you are consciously dreaming. It is also a kind of brain training, we make him get used to a question that he constantly asks, and when he does it in a dream we will know that we had a conscious dream.

3. Repeat that you will have lucid dreams. 

Before falling asleep and throughout the day, tell yourself that you will remember what you dreamed. Try to fall asleep with this thought in your mind, to translate it into a dream, where you will remember that you are dreaming.

4. Identify your dream signs. 

Whether someone runs you, you fall, your teeth fall out, there is a lot of water around, they can also be reminded through a dream diary. When you have a sign in a dream again, you will know that you are dreaming.

5. Imagine your desired dream. 

Visualize yourself in a previous dream, but now relive the end differently. Then look for the signs in your dreams. Then tell yourself you’re dreaming. Even if you “dream with your eyes open” continue to experiment in this fantasy, also to program your subconscious to get used to lucid dreams.

6. Wake up at night. 

Studies show that waking up during the night increases the chances of remaining lucid in a dream. 3-4 o’clock is a good time to wake up, stay conscious for a few minutes, you can read something about the astral projections, meditate, visualize and then go back to bed.

7. Eat little at all before bed. 

If you have a full stomach your consciousness will go to the lower levels of the centers of force, from the stomach down which will transport you into worlds of low vibration or nowhere.

8. Increase your vibration. 

I was saying that the astral, the fourth dimension, vibrates at a much higher frequency, that’s why we can’t access it either because we don’t have the necessary frequency. And this astral is so malleable that once we get there it manifests after our vibration, so if we manifest low thoughts what we see will be a lower astral and we will have practically a nightmare. So meditate a little before falling asleep, do not drink alcohol, nothing hallucinogenic, keep calm and quiet, eat naturally throughout the day, these are all ways to increase your vibration.

9. Binaural music 

You can fall asleep to binaural music that helps you increase your vibration. You can read more about binaural tones here, and below a playlist with a lot of such music.

10. Feel good, relax and have fun. 

Astral projection is a wonderful experience so don’t be afraid to become lucid. You have nothing to be afraid of. Even if you meet entities that can scare you, remember that everything is a reflection of you. Love, forgive, because by doing these things you love and forgive yourself. And learn. There really is a place where you can develop spiritually at the speed of light.

We offer online guided astral projection. Check it out in our store.

Foto: Julia Fullerton-Batten

5 Efficient Techniques for Astral Projection Mon, 28 Dec 2020 10:14:34 +0000

To dream means an unconscious astral projection. When you sleep, the soul leaves the body, that is, the 3D world we know as reality. This is due to the pineal gland (the most important part of the brain) that secretes Dimethyltryptine (DMT), which throws the soul out of the body while you sleep, when you are about to die or have a near-death experience. I will write about the pineal gland soon. The idea is that you have no control over the soul while you sleep, it is controlled by the subconscious. When you start projecting yourself in astral, it means that you consciously control your soul, where it travels, who it meets, what it does and you also remember the morning when you wake up. The ultimate goal is to project yourself at will even when you are not sleeping. I mean, you’re at the office, you want to take a break and take a bath in the Maldives, you close your eyes and you’re consciously there. This is the ultimate goal, but until then you imagine that metaphorically you have to walk to the Maldives, so if you go and keep going, you will finally reach your destination. 

Now that the techniques are many, some are closer to some, for others it does not work. Each of us is unique. 

1. Rope technique. 

This technique was formulated by Robert Bruce and is among the most effective. Our physical body is connected to the astral by a bright white string on which the spirit ascends into the astral. It breaks only at the moment of death, when the spirit does not return to the body. The technique is to imagine how you climb this rope, pulling your hands. You will feel a slight feeling of dizziness inside you as you pull on the rope. The process is done before falling asleep, taking into account what I told you in yesterday’s article. It is good to take into account each technique, if you want the projection to occur faster. Keep climbing on the rope until you feel vibrations and your body will go into a state of paralysis. Do not move, because the state immediately passes and you will feel liberated, as you leave the body. Words cannot describe the state of release you feel 

2. Be aware when you fall asleep.

The main element is the state between wakefulness and sleep, if you remain conscious in those moments you have danced in the astral. Sit on your back, relax your body and drive away obsessive thoughts. Tell yourself that you will notice yourself while you fall asleep. You have to be very clear and determined. As you relax you will notice all sorts of sensations in your body as you approach sleep. At a certain point the body will go into paralysis, you will feel it very hard, you will feel the need to move. You can feel certain parts like ants, vibrations from the feet to the top of the head, a buzzing in the ears. If you get here, you’re on the right track. Then you visualize yourself rising from your body to the ceiling, floating.

3. Monroe technique.

This doctor is one of the best known doctors who has researched this field. First you relax and try to fall asleep and find the state between wakefulness and sleep. Keep your eyes open and look through the eyelashes at the darkness around you. Then begin to induce vibrations through the body and intensify them. As you intensify them, the astral body separates from the physical one. When this happens you turn to one side (preferably left) and you will feel out of body.

4. Jumping technique.

During the day we often ask ourselves (at least once an hour) whether we dream or not. We ask ourselves so many times until we begin to doubt whether this is the reality or not. To figure out where we are we jump as if we want to fly. If we are in reality, we will land on the ground. But in the dream we will fly. When you do this for a week, your subconscious will get used to repeating the process in a dream and then you will immediately become aware and induce the lucid dream state.

5. Stretching technique.

Sit in bed on your back, relaxed, with your eyes closed. Imagine how your legs stretch, they become 10 centimeters longer. With this image in mind, let them return to normal. Repeat the process for the head, then bring it to normal size. Then alternate between the legs and the head, until you increase the distance between the normal and the stretched area by up to one meter. At this point imagine how you stretch at the same time on both sides. This exercise will make you a little dizzy and you will feel vibrations. After more practice you will start to experience the sensation of floating and you can tell that you are getting up to the ceiling.

I do not guarantee that it will work from the first, but any technique you try will surely feel something new, and there are no side effects. The worst thing that can happen to you is to fall asleep without feeling anything. Haha. But there is still one night tomorrow and you have all your life to practice. So don’t get frustrated when you don’t feel anything in the first few evenings. Over time, the results will appear. You have to be as open as possible and overcome your fears.


Photo source: Nicki Crock



What you get from astral projection Sun, 20 Dec 2020 12:48:06 +0000 We continue the series of astral projections today with the benefits of this extraordinary experience. What are the astral projections I explained yesterday yesterday, you must have found it at least interesting, if not crazy or stories of sleeping children, it is certain that to try something new you will first be asked with conscious visas, how can I help on me astral projections? “

Hi let’s see together what comes out:

1. It gives you the opportunity to explore beyond the physical senses. 

You will have first-hand experiences, you will be able to go beyond the limitations of the physical body and you will find the answers to all the questions: how the world was born, why does not love you x, why did the Egyptians not build the pyramids, a did Atlantis exist? Whatever you want, remember that the only limit that exists is you.

2. You remember previous lives. 

I was saying that the past, the present and the future are perceived as a single duration. This way you want to know where you have walked in other existences. You press a button (metaphorically speaking) and everything unfolds like in a movie. By revealing past existences, we will not know better, we will know why we have only suffering or only happiness.

3. Find out what your purpose is on this Earth. 

By remembering past lives you can remember why you chose to return to this Earth and what are the lessons you need to learn.

4. You fly. 

This is one of the most danced. Surely you have visited at least once that you fly over seas and countries, that you touch with your fingertips, that you play through the clouds, through space. Usually when we have the first signs of flying in the visa that we remember, our vibration has increased enough that I can cope after the next and consciously watch. I think this experience can be described in one word: FUN FUN FUN.

5. Meet light entities and masters. In the astral you can learn a lot. 

Communication is at the telepathic level, and books are read the same way. There the information is infinite. I was saying that this is actually the most beautiful thing you can do in the astral: learn and help. And beings of light are full of what they can give you from their knowledge. They come in many non-physical forms: mentors, masters, your higher self, helpers, guardian angels, etc.

Other benefits are general well-being, decreased level of hostility you show, increased paranormal abilities, accelerated personal development, overcoming and healing traumas, inner calm, increased need for information, respect for life, you can meet loved ones who they are no longer in the physical plane, the increase of intelligence and memory, of memories, the visitation of other planes, wisdom, spirituality, healing.

And more than that, perhaps most importantly, you will understand life after death. Through astral projection we can convince ourselves on our own skin that we are immortal, our soul is immortal. People who have at least an experience outside the body are completely transformed, they understand life on another level.

The fear of death is just a fear of the unknown, it is a dissonance on manipura, the vital center of being. Through dream yoga you will know that your life will continue well thanks to death. So the experience of death should not be seen as something negative, but as a continuation of the journey in a plan where everything is milk and honey, a continuous orgasm. Of course, if you don’t get to the lower astral, it’s up to you and your actions.

And another basic thing in astral projection that changes our perception of reality. These experiences show us that we are completely in control of our reality. If you want to fly, fly, if you want to have a house by the lake you have it.

When you die you return to the fourth dimension, the astral. If you are a good person, you go to the intermediate astral, to the double rainbows. In other words, you will create a beautiful reality. Good people create good things. You will enjoy the sun, wealth, emotions as deep as you want. If you are a spiritual person who works for evolution, you reach the higher astral, the true Paradise, where you can even choose not to return, because you have exceeded the vibrational level of the Earth, you have assimilated it. Or you will choose to return to help a soul or more to get here as well. In this plan you decide.

So we come to another concept that I wrote about before: duality and illusion. Only we see duality in what is actually emptiness: things, people, experiences. And this concept can be applied to heaven and hell, which are actually the faces of the same coin, neither good nor bad, it depends on you how you create this fourth dimension.

That’s why I keep saying that you create your own reality. It’s just that in this plan everything happens very slowly. It takes a few years to get your car or house off the lake, to read a book for a few days, and to reach a consensus with another person explaining things to him – a few hours. In reality, everything is denser, because the vibration is low, compared to the astral where everything is empty and therefore circulates much faster.

Photo sorce: Ryan McGinley, New York

What is astral projection Fri, 04 Dec 2020 12:47:43 +0000

Astral projection is one of the most interesting experiences in your life. Imagine this scenario. Stay in bed, completely relaxed, with your eyes closed, but conscious. After a while you start to notice how your body becomes heavier, almost frozen and then you start to get up, floating a few inches above your physical body. You look down and notice how you sleep peacefully. You notice a bright white rope joining your body. You are calm, relaxed and awake. It is not a new sensation and you feel a state of peace, of liberation, all the limits have disappeared. You look around the room and everything seems bright, everything seems to have life, more vibrant. Then fly through the ceiling and further into the sky and see how your house becomes smaller and smaller, until you reach outer space. You think of a friend who lives on the other side of the earth and just thinking about you instantly reaches him in the house, you see him eating biscuits and sitting at the computer, he is dressed in shorts and a white T-shirt. Then you remember that it’s time to go back and think about your sleeping body, you visualize yourself again above your house, as you slowly descend through the roof and then into your body. You wake up and go to the computer. Your friend is on Facebook and you tell him what you dreamed. He is dismayed when he tells you that you are completely right.

This is the astral projection, the conscious dream, the dream and sleep yoga.

This phenomenon is the process by which human consciousness temporarily leaves the physical body and functions independently, while the latter remains passive in the state we know as sleep. The result is the visualization of the world from a different point of view than that of the physical body, by means other than the physical senses. During the astral projection you maintain a very high level of consciousness and you can remember every detail when returning to the physical body.

For many people, such experiences occur randomly while sleeping and are known as lucid dreams, near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, or astral projections.

It may sound crazy, but it’s as normal a phenomenon as breathing. 91% of people experience these lucid dreams throughout their lives, only they are not aware that those events really happened and that’s because we do not train to remember them.

Astral travel has been known since antiquity. The Egyptians called the projections light bodies and left many inscriptions and drawings behind, through which the soul was portrayed as leaving the human body. The Tibetans called it the double body. Many philosophers like Plato, Heraclitus talk about it. It appears even in the Bible, in the Revelation of John. Studies show that one in ten people have experiences outside the body consciously or spontaneously. 

Spontaneous experiences can occur at any time, in sleep, while drowsy, when taking strong medications, during anesthesia, during an accident, or while meditating. To make this a controlled process means ad literam to leave in a controlled and conscious way, at will from the physical body.

The astral dimension

Before we go any further, let’s talk a little about dimensions – where our consciousness goes in such experiences. We will delve a little deeper into the fourth dimension, also known as astral space. In this universe all the senses are expanded, they do not correspond to those on the physical plane, but astral, and our body is plasma and can take any shape. Everything materializes in a simple thought. I want my best car, I think about it and drive it. I want the most expensive shoes in the world or to have a performance model / sports body, I think and they manifest. At first there is a tendency to want all sorts of material things, until we realize how unimportant they are and move on to more interesting things – studying and helping. Ah yes, and you can travel in a second anywhere on the planet. Here you are the only limit, it is the place where you can create anything. Gravity does not exist or at least you are not limited by it.

This astral plane has a much higher vibration than the physical plane, that’s why we can’t access it so easily, because we don’t have this vibration ourselves. This does not mean that he is not with us, in parallel, at all times. We exist in all these dimensions at the same time: physical, etheric (subtle / bioenergetic), emotional (astral), mental, causal and spiritual.

When you visit the astral plane you will see that you can reach lower or higher vibration planes depending on the center of force through which you come out when you sleep. In short, we can call them the lower, intermediate and high astral plane.

The lower astral plane vibrates at a very low frequency, and people who often have nightmares reach this level. But they do not happen by chance, but also because physically they have a low frequency, manifest negative thoughts, plant bad seeds against others, etc. This plan is dark and primary, some describe it similarly to Dante’s Inferno, others like Purgatory, many lost souls are here.

If you start to raise your vibration and practice spiritual techniques, you will be able to reach the intermediate plane. Here everything is extremely vivid, double rainbows, flower meadows, much more vivid and lively colors, you can compare it with the landscape in the movie Avatar (don’t think that those people took the universe out of the vacuum with glittering trees, giant fireflies and huge mushrooms). This place cannot be streamlined. Everything is surrounded by radiant auras. Time here is an illusion, it is distorted, everything happens at the same time, the past, the present and the future are perceived as a single duration.

The highest astral plane is also known as Paradise or Heaven in Christian culture. This place cannot be explained in words, there are no words for it. It is a pure, angelic space, in fact this is where the angels live.

I will stop here today, because otherwise I will write 3 more pages and you will not have the patience to read until the end. Tomorrow I will tell you more about the benefits of astral projections and how they will help you improve your life. Then throughout the week I will continue with articles on this topic including some techniques for beginners. And here, as in all spiritual practices, the ways are various to reach the same point. And all are correct, only some paths are straighter, others more detour.

Meditation Lesson Wed, 06 Mar 2019 09:05:36 +0000 0 Kundalini Yoga Wed, 06 Mar 2019 09:04:21 +0000 Kundalini yoga has grown in popularity over the last few years. The ancient yoga practice focuses on breath and asana (a.k.a. physical postures) along with chanting, meditation, and singing.

First introduced to the western world in the late 70s by Yogi Bhajan, Kundalini yoga is a combination of breath, movement, and sound. It derives from the Sanskrit word kundal, which translates to “coiled energy.” The idea is that we all have energy gathered at the base of our spine and, through the practice of Kundalini, we bring that energy up our spine through the seven chakras, and out the crown of our head.

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